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Action on Bees

New Forest Friends of the Earth have been campaigning on the decline of bees for five years. We have promoted the planting of wildflowers that attract pollinators, and we grow them on our allotment (on which we never use pesticides). There we have built both bug, and bee hotels that provide habitat for solitary bees and, at the time of writing, they are becoming occupied. One is being colonised by mason bees, and the other by leaf cutter bees. Very exciting!  We have encouraged bumblebees by providing providing habitat on the allotment and we have been accepted by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust as official recorders this summer. Contact us if you would like to join in!  We are a Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust 'Wilder Allotment.'

New Milton Bee Fayre

This annual event is organised by New Forest conservation volunteers and involves many local organisations, including NFFoE. It is our opportunity to focus on issues such as bee decline, pesticides and pollinator flowers.

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Why we need to help bees

Bees pollinate flowers, plants and crops that support other species (including humans). Without bees, the future wellbeing of our children and grandchildren would be at risk. The number of UK bee species has fallen in many areas. Of the UK’s 26 bumblebee species, 2 are extinct and 6-8 more species have seen major declines.


Britain's bees need our help today because:


  • The loss of habitat is one of the most pressing problems facing British bees: 97% of flower-rich habitats have been lost in the past 60 years.


  • Bees pollinate 75% of our main food crops worldwide, including such products as apples, strawberries and tomatoes.


  • Scientists estimated in 2012 that it would cost over £1.8 billion every single year to pollinate UK crops by hand.


We have campaigned and continued to campaign against the use of glyphosate and neonicotinoids. If, like us, you feel strongly about these issues, please join us by getting in touch.


You could also buy a bee saver kit from Friends of the Earth 

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