Pipeline Corridor Consultation
The UK’s Climate Change Committee have described CCS as a ’necessity, not an option’ for the UK’s transition to net zero.
The Solent CO2 Pipeline Project is seeking permission to install an underground pipeline to transport CO2 to what ExxonMobil describe as a safe, secure and permanent storage location in the English Channel. This storage location will be used for Carbon capture and Storage (CCS) technology. The pipeline will be able to transport millions of tonnes of captured CO2
ExxonMobil is consulting on three proposed routes for the pipeline. One crosses sensitive areas across the New Forest. The other two go under the Solent then across the Isle of Wight. As a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project, any future planning application will be determined nationally by the Government, rather than locally by the respective local planning authorities. New Forest Friends of the Earth welcomes the opportunity provided for the public and other relevant stakeholders to comment on the consultation corridors for the proposed project.
There are public meetings on the mainland and on the Isle of Wight. The next is in Milford on Sea on August 30th and consultation ends at 6pm on 12th September 2024. This is sooner than our next planned NFFoE meeting. A map, a video and further details can be found here: www.solentco2pipeline.co.uk. If you have questions, email them to info@www.solentco2pipeline.co.uk