We’re making a United for Warm Homes scarf, to call for urgent government action so that everyone can have a warm home.
We’ll be adding messages to our scarf from people across our community to show how we’ve been impacted by rising energy bills and cold homes
Send us your message or write one now, and we’ll add it to our scarf.
You could write about why you are worried about rising energy bills, your experiences of being cold in your home, or your concerns about how your family, friends and neighbours are being impacted. Perhaps you know the impact of high energy bills and a cold home on someone vulnerable? A child, someone elderly or unwell? Write a message about it. If you can't make it to one of our meetings, or if we don't meet you at one of our events, we'll write a message and sew it onto a scarf for you.
We’ll be showing the scarf to our two New Forest MPs, Sir Desmond Swayne and Dr Julian Lewis so they hear messages from their constituents and feel pressure to take action. Then, at the end of the winter, we’ll take our scarf to Westminster, alongside lots of other communities across the country, to show the government we need urgent action now, so no one has to live in a cold and damp home.
Cold and leaky homes are causing serious health issues and high energy bills, as the energy we use to heat our homes escapes through the walls and ceilings. We need the new government to invest in a national insulation programme to bring down our energy bills and reduce the carbon emissions from our homes.
Add your message to our scarf to join our campaign and call for urgent action.
